Sunday, March 23, 2014

6 Sisters jewelry

Hello Sis, I have one of these for you.  Just remember to ask for it when I see you, because I have been forgetting to give it to you.  Love you all.   Gilberte

PS I still have two unclaimed. 2021

La terre à Delphis!

La terre à Delphis!
Bonjour les soeurs.  J'ai rencontrer un gars à Verner vendredi et quand je lui ai dit que mon père était de Verner il m'a demander qui était mon père.  Il ne connaisait pas Lucien, mais il connaisait de son père.  En plus il me dit que son cousin à achetter la terre de pepère.  Il l'appelle "la terre à Delphis".  Après quelque minutes son cousin "Dan Piquette" est entre au resto.  Il est le propriétere de l'ancienne ferme.  C'est un petit monde.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Big 60!

Yvon celebrated his 60th today.  We had celebrated quietly on the weekend with Pauline and Dave in Collingwood.   He was very surprised to receive this from some good friends.   So much for keeping it quiet.
Thank you for thinking of him.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Irene's Daily Inspiration:  

Wishing every one a sunny day in your heart and outside :)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

4 sisters weekend in Northern Ontario

Celebrating our sister Marie’s birthday.
We went cross country skiing at the Wasi Ski Club.
Our sister Agnes and her husband build a quinzee.
Wow how cool is that!
We enjoyed making prayers for our family with special candles brought from a sanctuary in Poros, Greece for the purpose.
The food was awesome!
Needless to say, that we really enjoyed our weekend.
From Agnes and Irene.