Monday, September 26, 2011

Six Northern Sisters

Hello Ladies, You've asked for a blog.  Well here it is!  Now we need some rules.  Is this just for the sisters?  Are we inviting Mom?  Our brothers?  Our kids?  Our cousins?
I'm not certain how this works anyways.   Can I block others?  I'll do some research.
have a good day.!


  1. Love the name Gil!

    I think it should be open to people that we invite.

    ANd you will have to give the six of us, and any other person we wish to add, the possibility to contribute content.

    Let's see if there is a way to have some public and some private posts.

    Enjoy your day and tanks for this.

  2. Well it's probably a good time to get this going. I'm sure Marie could use all our support. It took me a while to figure out how to add authors..

  3. Bonjour mes petites soeurs.
    Merci Gilberte pour l'initiative du Blog.
    Je lui souhaite longue vie.

    Yes all our prayers are for Brian and Marie and their family.
    And now for Mom also.

    This is just a try our comment,
    I really do not know if I will be able to send it...

    Gros bisousss a toutes
    Irene in Malta

  4. Well I think I did,
    So here goes,
    I think that a blog for the family and friends is one good thing
    and a blog for us sisters is an other thing

    For Brian, |i laughed when i read that he needed 2 nurses to wash him, so he must not have lost so much weight hee hee hee, all kidding aside
    like \Suziew-Q, I do hope that he gets to drink many more beers and whisky and eat chocolate cakes and his famous pancakes and delicious breakfast !. Lot's of prayers for Marie !

  5. Irene I found your post but you posted it as a comment. That is okay, but if it's original you may want to post a new post. It's cute the nurses comment. I'm sure Brian is laughing when he reads this.. Lots of prayers going his way..
