Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My first post is dedicated to Marie & Brian

I'm very happy to be writing my first post on the 6 Sisters blog.

Thank you Gil for inviting me!

One thing that will be a constant in my post is that I will have a picture to illustrate my propos.

As we all know, the picture I have chosen for my first post is not by happenstance.

Marie, sister #2 in the 6 sisters hierarchy, is struggling right now because her Angel, Brian, aka Pig, her partner in fine for many, many years is struggling for his life.

We are all with her in spirit in these hard times. And although my first post may sound gloomy, it is not.

Brian's humor and courage is pulling us through.

I have built a small shrine on my coffee table for Brian and his family.

I have four candles.

A large one, with a bottle of whiskey and a beer next to it, for Brian with a chocolat bar in hope that he will soon put on lot's of weight.

A broad one for Marie so she may reach out to the ones who love her and get strength to get her through the days. It sits in a dutch blue dish, her fetish color.

Two bright ones for Sue and Luke cast a sparkling light all around. May they be the stars that shine in this night.

I am so blessed to have this family even if I feel so helpless right now.


Quick update.

Marie called tonight. She is very optimistic and I look forward to laughing with her and Brian this spring.

I will avoid seing them in the winter since I am prone to repetitive colds.

Hope this post helps brake the ice and that we get this project going.

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