Monday, February 6, 2012


Well they say that sometimes we have sympathy pain.  Well, my daughter's partner Dave I think tried this.  He went snowboarding a few weeks ago, and he fell hard.  He broke an ankle and sprained the other one with a possible hairline fracture.  We went to visit on the weekend and his mobility is limited.  He has two leg supports, a walker and crutches.  When I saw him I thought of poor Brian who is suffering at the moment with all his contraptions all over his home.
I sent a picture to his parents since they live pretty far and don't like to travel in the winter.  His mother was happy to see him standing, but she said he looks like a pirate because she could not see his other leg.  The picture is not very clear, but I thought I would share it.   Dave should be on his two feet in a few months, but the skiing season is over for him.