Sunday, January 29, 2012

Breathe out, 1 2 3 4 5 6

It is no secret that breathing is good for you, really.

But did you know it can help you loose weight, fight depression, prevent heart attacks, and more.

That’s right, everything from dyslexia to dementia can be helped by breathing out and breathing in to the rhythm of your heart beat.

We’ve all heard of monks in MRI machines showing the scientific world the positive effects of meditation on the brain.

Turns out breathing is what offers real benefits to the body and brain.

Meditation without breathing to the rhythm of your heart beat gives only mediocre results.

Meditation is stopping your monkey brain. Putting your brain in neutral for a while. Thinking of nothing.

Meditation can also be active. Focusing on one person or even and sending positive vibes. This has been know to help plants grow!

Doing either forms of meditation while breathing to the rhythm of your heart beat will help the mind and body rebuild and heal. That is what monks do.

Here is a 5 minute youtube video that guides you to breath following the rhythm of your heart.

At first you may notice that you can easily breath out to the beat of 5 seconds but you run out of room in your lungs to breath in for 5 seconds.

If you empty your lungs fully, you will have lots of room to breath in. Keep at it.

Monks breath to the beat of 8 not 5 like in the video. Once you get to the beat of 6 you’ll be on your way there.

After a few tries you will be able to do this in a grocery store line-up, a traffic jam, a boring party, a busy airport, even on the couch in front of your favorite TV show.

So. Relax, enjoy. 

Don’t forget to breathe.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo
    I tried
    I WILL trie to keep it up
    life will get better
