Saturday, December 24, 2011

My Xmas Tree Story - Suzanne

My garden-sculpture-impossible-squirrel-feeder-xmas-tree

I am  a very frugal person as you know. When Xmas comes around and I see all the waste, I tend to get more frugal.

I have very strict rules about Xmas and gift giving. My first Xmas with Robert we had a 2$ gift budget each and a color restrictions - it had to be green. I got him a Loto ticket with green in it. He went over budget and got me a green water color pencil. This year the budget is 17$. He is getting ear plugs and safety goggles from Home Hardware.

Luckily for me Robert doesn't mind my quirky rules and he even has some of his own. For example, he likes the house to decorated. Since Xmas is his busiest time of the year we have two options - decorate in October or I do it on my own anytime before the 25th. I opted for #2. 

My first Xmas in Ottawa, I didn't have a tree. I looked around the house for suitable substitute. Nothing was catching my eye when I looked out living room window and saw it. Robert had gotten this garden sculpture at a garage sale ( I  can just imagine the sellers look of joy as they watched him leave). 

I called the sculpture the "impossible squirrel feeder". The backyard is home to at least 3 colonies of squirrels who fight for the territory and my garlic bulbs. We could put anything on top of this and no squirrel would touch it, hence the name. 

My garden-sculpture-impossible-squirrel-feeder-xmas-tree is now a big part of our xmas.

It usually looks better then what I did this year, but it's done and all lit up with Ziggy and Santa on top.

Merry Holidays to all.


  1. Bravo ! I love it. I love your imagination ! I never stops to amaze me :) Le saut de 2$ a 17 est enorme ??? Merry Christmas to the squirrels who are getting a rest from the torture, unless you are really sweet and never put bird food in it...

  2. ho yes
    I forgot to mention that I the picture of Rudolph kissing the Snow Man :) Very cute as Mom would say.

  3. I like your tree with the lights on.

  4. I love it, so unique and festives.

  5. Irene, the jump from 2$ to 17$ took place over 6 years. yeah I still have a lot of work to do on my story telling.

  6. I love this story and your interpretation of Christmas. I like your way of doing things. I hide at Christmas if I can, but you just change the rules. Bravo Suzanne et Robert
