Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Quilted Pillow to Rest On

My second post is for my sisters.

We had such a great weekend together making quilted squares back in February 2007.

Agnès, the youngest of the 6, was our hostess. She lives in the country so had some nice walks on country roads.

The theme of the weekend was, I guess, surviving sister rivalry.

We each had a meal to prepare and luckily for us none of us are fussy eaters. Or should I say, none of us will admit to it.

We had decided to make a quilt project. I guess it was to fill in the blanks as we got reacquainted. We are close but live far apart, so six of us in one room had not happened, well I don't know? Ask my sisters.

We had total creative license as to the quilted square we would do, but we had to replicate it so as to give one to each sister.

We then had total creative license as to what we would do with our six squares.

As you see we all made a place mat. Wait a minute. There is one of us who was still able to think outside the family circle after 72 hours.

Marie made a pillow case.

Now here is her story and I do hope she will be happy that I shared such a hearth warming pillow story with all of you:

"A few years ago all the girls got together at Agnes house for quilting.
All the sisters made table coverings with the quilt blocks that we all created.  I was determined to make a pillow instead of a table placemat. I knew  I really needed one and it sounded more practical.
Last week Brian was sleeping in our living room and he used that pillow to rest his arms and sometime he hugged when he was in pain. It was very comforting for me because the pillow represents all my sisters.
When Jessica comes visiting with baby Jona, she also uses that pillow for breastfeeding.
Now the pillow is at the hospital and I use it to nap in the afternoons while Brian sleeps.
I hope we all stay strong. I don't want anyone else sick."
A family, whether it  be siblings or distant relatives, is a family. Everyone who has one should cherish all its members. No matter how pesky.  


  1. I'm not as practical as Marie.. I'm saving mine.. I'm afraid to get it dirty. I love to idea of my hot plate but I'm saving it for a special occasion.. maybe I'll have my 5 sisters over and use it on the table to serve dinner.. maybe.. Love you all. Gilberte

  2. I used mine placemat as a centre piece on my dinning room table for year. Now my placemat is in the kitchen in the corner with a ceramic canoe on top.
