Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What's In a Clothespin ?

One of the first craft project to do with kids is a clothespin figure. The internet is now loaded with creative clothespin ideas. These crafts are such a pride for little ones.

The picture above is a very cute example of this. I wish I could remember who gave it to me. It's had a prominent spot on my tree ever since I got it.

Clothespins go so far back dinosaures probably invented them. I'm sure we will eventually find one on a cave drawing. In our daily lives, clothespins have multiple uses. 

They are a universal, useful, everyday object. We tie, close, clasp, hold, and pinch with them. 

Kids use them to clip cards to bike wheels and make noise. Hairdressers clip foil paper on our head with them when the fancy takes us to streak our hair color. 

In movies and stage production clothespins are called C74 (from the budget entry item #). They are flipped to make a tweezer and used to hold, well, everything! They mainly hold colored filters in front of lights, and also wigs in place, tuck clothes in, hold the script together. Just about everyone on a set has a row of them clipped on their belt. Hence the nickname "bullet" - as in a bullet belt.

But primarily, clothespins are used to hang out our dirty laundry once we've cleaned it. Doing this exposes what is usually kept inside our house to outside scrutiny. By analogy, it is no wonder that in dreams a clothespin is a symbol of control. More specifically trying to control what is revealed about our character and ourselves. 

But a clothespin is so much more then a clean laundry hanger. It puts pride on a kids face as they admire their creation.It pinches to keep in freshness. It leaves a mark on what is pinched.

A clothespin is nothing without something to hang on to. The clothes line is a metaphor for our lives and on it clothespins hangs all of our metamorphoses.

It comes to the rescue in a time of crises. 

Marie has a clothespin that has been passed down the Niemi family from generation to generation. I hope one day she tells us the story of that clothespin. I have heard of many things being passed down the ages, but a clothespin - never! 

There has to be a story behing that...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

May Your Wishes Come True

Burning Candles

It's Xmas and not all is well with the world but I pray it will get better. Soon.

Since we learned of Brian's cancer we have been burning candles for him and his family. Here is a picture of the little shrine we have on our coffee table.

The large candle surrounded by the beer, whiskey and Baileys his for Brian. Marie, Sue and Luke are on the right with the bowl of chestnut.

The other 3 candles on the left with the box of Xmas treats are Roberts friends. One is facing the same battle as Brian.

This reminds us to every day for our friends and family who are not as fortunate as we are. Hopefully our prayers will be answered and we will see them again soon in good health and strong spirits.

Have a happy holidays. May your wishes come true.

My Xmas Tree Story - Suzanne

My garden-sculpture-impossible-squirrel-feeder-xmas-tree

I am  a very frugal person as you know. When Xmas comes around and I see all the waste, I tend to get more frugal.

I have very strict rules about Xmas and gift giving. My first Xmas with Robert we had a 2$ gift budget each and a color restrictions - it had to be green. I got him a Loto ticket with green in it. He went over budget and got me a green water color pencil. This year the budget is 17$. He is getting ear plugs and safety goggles from Home Hardware.

Luckily for me Robert doesn't mind my quirky rules and he even has some of his own. For example, he likes the house to decorated. Since Xmas is his busiest time of the year we have two options - decorate in October or I do it on my own anytime before the 25th. I opted for #2. 

My first Xmas in Ottawa, I didn't have a tree. I looked around the house for suitable substitute. Nothing was catching my eye when I looked out living room window and saw it. Robert had gotten this garden sculpture at a garage sale ( I  can just imagine the sellers look of joy as they watched him leave). 

I called the sculpture the "impossible squirrel feeder". The backyard is home to at least 3 colonies of squirrels who fight for the territory and my garlic bulbs. We could put anything on top of this and no squirrel would touch it, hence the name. 

My garden-sculpture-impossible-squirrel-feeder-xmas-tree is now a big part of our xmas.

It usually looks better then what I did this year, but it's done and all lit up with Ziggy and Santa on top.

Merry Holidays to all.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Marilyn and Brian Canoeing

Since you are unable to click on the picture to view, I decided to post a bigger picture.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Summer Outing on Mattawa River, Ontario

Since Brian is on our mind these days, I hope you don’t mind me sharing an outing which included Brian canoeing with Marilyn.

A few minutes later we are having a picnic overlooking the falls, what a wonderful end of July in 2011.

It was a great day canoe trip. A little challenging to fit two canoes in one truck.

Canoe rental place: Algounquin Outfitter, Eau Claire
Launch location : Pimisi Bay, Mattawa River, Ontario
Route: Pimisi Bay to Talon Chutes and back

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Niemi Get Better

Today is the day to send pictures to Brian to remind him of all the people who love him and enjoy spending time with him.  When your nick name is Angel, how can you not get better.  We are rooting for you!!
This picture was taken a few years ago at his cottage for the Couples Fishing Derby.  It's always fun to fish all day and have spaghetti for super.. just to tell you how many fish are caught.  It's a great time to be had and we need to do this again..  Get better my lovely Brian.

A Quilted Pillow to Rest On

My second post is for my sisters.

We had such a great weekend together making quilted squares back in February 2007.

Agnès, the youngest of the 6, was our hostess. She lives in the country so had some nice walks on country roads.

The theme of the weekend was, I guess, surviving sister rivalry.

We each had a meal to prepare and luckily for us none of us are fussy eaters. Or should I say, none of us will admit to it.

We had decided to make a quilt project. I guess it was to fill in the blanks as we got reacquainted. We are close but live far apart, so six of us in one room had not happened, well I don't know? Ask my sisters.

We had total creative license as to the quilted square we would do, but we had to replicate it so as to give one to each sister.

We then had total creative license as to what we would do with our six squares.

As you see we all made a place mat. Wait a minute. There is one of us who was still able to think outside the family circle after 72 hours.

Marie made a pillow case.

Now here is her story and I do hope she will be happy that I shared such a hearth warming pillow story with all of you:

"A few years ago all the girls got together at Agnes house for quilting.
All the sisters made table coverings with the quilt blocks that we all created.  I was determined to make a pillow instead of a table placemat. I knew  I really needed one and it sounded more practical.
Last week Brian was sleeping in our living room and he used that pillow to rest his arms and sometime he hugged when he was in pain. It was very comforting for me because the pillow represents all my sisters.
When Jessica comes visiting with baby Jona, she also uses that pillow for breastfeeding.
Now the pillow is at the hospital and I use it to nap in the afternoons while Brian sleeps.
I hope we all stay strong. I don't want anyone else sick."
A family, whether it  be siblings or distant relatives, is a family. Everyone who has one should cherish all its members. No matter how pesky.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My first post is dedicated to Marie & Brian

I'm very happy to be writing my first post on the 6 Sisters blog.

Thank you Gil for inviting me!

One thing that will be a constant in my post is that I will have a picture to illustrate my propos.

As we all know, the picture I have chosen for my first post is not by happenstance.

Marie, sister #2 in the 6 sisters hierarchy, is struggling right now because her Angel, Brian, aka Pig, her partner in fine for many, many years is struggling for his life.

We are all with her in spirit in these hard times. And although my first post may sound gloomy, it is not.

Brian's humor and courage is pulling us through.

I have built a small shrine on my coffee table for Brian and his family.

I have four candles.

A large one, with a bottle of whiskey and a beer next to it, for Brian with a chocolat bar in hope that he will soon put on lot's of weight.

A broad one for Marie so she may reach out to the ones who love her and get strength to get her through the days. It sits in a dutch blue dish, her fetish color.

Two bright ones for Sue and Luke cast a sparkling light all around. May they be the stars that shine in this night.

I am so blessed to have this family even if I feel so helpless right now.


Quick update.

Marie called tonight. She is very optimistic and I look forward to laughing with her and Brian this spring.

I will avoid seing them in the winter since I am prone to repetitive colds.

Hope this post helps brake the ice and that we get this project going.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Six Northern Sisters

Hello Ladies, You've asked for a blog.  Well here it is!  Now we need some rules.  Is this just for the sisters?  Are we inviting Mom?  Our brothers?  Our kids?  Our cousins?
I'm not certain how this works anyways.   Can I block others?  I'll do some research.
have a good day.!